rete scolastica europea per la didattica della shoah

european teachers network holocaust studies


" A noi, come ad ogni generazione che ci ha preceduto, è stata data una debole forza messianica, su cui il passato ha un diritto "

Walter Benjamin (Seconda tesi di filosofia della storia)


" Like every generation that preceded us, we have been endowed with a weak Messianic power, a power to which the past has a claim "

Walter Benjamin


About us


etnhOs, The "European Teachers Network on Holocaust Studies" (Rete Scolastica Europea per la Didattica della Shoah) is the culmination of a journey that began in 2005 with the establishment of the International Master's Degree in Holocaust Education at Roma Tre. The Master, conceived and directed by Prof. David Meghnagi, was the first of its kind in Europe and the only one in Italy to date etnhos.

The International Master on Holocaust Studies, founded at Roma Tre University in 2005, has been playing an academically appreciated and significant role in developing and renewing the research and the educational work on the Holocaust in the last ten years.

Thanks to the Master, one hundred scholars have been specifically prepared on the subject and some of them are now working as researchers or Phd within several universities. The greatest part of our graduates are teaching in secondary schools and are playing an active role in the commemoration of the Remembrance day and in the organization of trips to the Holocaust sites for secondary students.

From 2005 the Master on Holocaust studies has been a fundamental driver of Holocaust research, training and education both for teachers and students.

More than one thousand teachers have been provided with one hundred hours on-campus and distance training courses.

About the same number of students has been successfully involved in learning courses held in various disciplines related to the Holocaust.

Young students, between 13 and 18 years old, who had only vague and superficial information on the Holocaust at the beginning, had acquired a specific knowledge.

Sometimes this learning and training pathway led to the reconstruction of family histories linked to the tragic events occurred during the Second World War and to the anti-Semitic persecution in Italy.

This activity has been developing a new awareness of the shared values of an engaged citizenship, of respect and responsibility for one another.

Many scholars and professors, from important Italian and foreign institutions, collaborate and participate to the activities of the Master, as a result of academical and research international agreements which are paving the way towards the creation of the International Center for Modern Jewish Civilization and Israel Studies at Roma Tre University.

In order not to disperse and to consolidate the know-how acquired over two decades, graduates have been involved in the training and research activities carried out by the Master's courses, with the aim of creating a community of scholars at national and international level. This experience led to the decision in 2019 to establish a European School Network for Holocaust Education.


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Honorary President

David Meghnagi
Prof. Senior Roma Tre University

Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies

Academic IHRA

Editor in chief of Trauma and Memory, European Review of Psychoanalysis and Social Science


Honorary Committeee

Edith Bruck


Luigi Maccotta

President of the Italian Delegation IHRA


Liliana Segre
Member of the Italian Senate


Luciano Violante
Former President of the Deputies Chamber of Italy


Scientific Commettee

David Meghnagi

George Bensoussan

Editor in chief of Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris

Andrea Bienati
Prof. Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose - ISSR, Milano

Co-coordinatore "Gruppo II" - Laboratorio Nexus del Ministero della Giustizia, Milano"

Lucia Ceci
Prof. of contemporary history

Director of The Department of History, Humanities and Society, University of Tor Vergata, Rome

Paula Cowan
Prof. Univ. of The West Scotland

Academic IHRA

Sergio Della Pergola
Prof. emeritus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Claudia Hassan
Deputy Director of the Roman Center For Jewish Studies (CERSE), University of Tor Vergata, Rome

Belle Jarniewski
Executive Director Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada

Steven Katz
Prof. Boston University

Former Director of the Elie Wiesel Centre for the Jewish Studies

Past Chair of the Academic IHRA

Brunello Mantelli
Former Full Professor of Contemporary History and History of International Relations, University of Turin and University of Calabria

Member of Società Italiana dell'area di lingua tedesca

Ricardo Ruiz de la Serna
Associate Researcher a the CEU- Institute of Historical Studies (Madrid)

Academic IHRA

Frediano Sessi

Prof. University of Brescia

Member of the Scientific Committee Fondation Auschwitz (Bruxelles)

Michael Shafir
Prof. Emeritus Universitatea Babes-Bolyai

Former member of the Accademic IHRA

Mark Weizman
Simon Wiesenthal Centre

Past Chair of the Academic IHRA

Bret Werb
Musicologist & Recorded Sound Curator

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Robert Williams
Deputy Director of International Affairs at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Past chair of the Academic IHRA



Anna Rolli

Former prof. Istituto Professionale Gioberti, Rome

Stefania Zezza
Past President

PhD candidate

Prof. Liceo Classico Virgilio - Rome


Andrea Ventura
Deputy President

PhD candidate

Prof. Liceo Classico Linguistico Aristofane, Rome

Sandra Corvi

Former prof. Istituto Comprensivo E. Q. Visconti, Rome

contact us:  -  phone +39 3383849872.



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11/04/2024 - Gruppo Sionistico Piemontese


25/02/2024 - RAI - Sorgente di Vita


07/02/2024 - TG Antenna3 tv


20/01/2024 - Corriere della Sera: PD e Ihra


16/01/2024 - Tempi: Antisionismo volto dell'antisemitismo


05/12/2023 - Vecchio e nuovo antisemtismo. Uno sguardo storico e psicoanalitico


27/11/2023 - Le leggi razziste fasciste nell'università italiana


20/11/2023 - Il Mattino - David Meghnagi


06/11/2023 - TG3 Mondo - RAI - David Meghnagi


29/10/2023 - TV2000 - Soul - David Meghnagi


20/10/2023 - Occidente difenda Israele


09/10/2023 - Era un giorno di festa - Aula Volpi


11/06/2023 - A Kesher una serata su Pagani, Moustaki e Macias


09/03/2023 - Gli antisemiti attaccano Schlein


01/03/2023 - International Forum on Religions


10/12/2022 - Premio "Ambiente e Società"


07/11/2022 - Cosa vuol dire essere un ebreo


24/10/2022 - Dialogo intorno allla definizione dell’IHRA


21/03/2022 - Patrimonio liturgico ebraico


15/02/2022 - Educare alla Memoria


06/02/2022 - Seminario con Edith Bruck


27/01/2022 - L’Italia e la Shoah


24/12/2021 - Ebrei in Libia: intervista a David Meghnagi


20/12/2021 - Premio 2021 del Centro Romano di Studi sull’Ebraismo


- Passato e presente: Freud a Roma


- Alla scoperta di Rachel


08/12/2021 - Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada


29/11/2021 - La fuga degli ebrei dal mondo arabo e islamico


30/11/2021 - Colmiamo il vuoto di conoscenza


31/10/2021 - Contro i pregiudizi, l’umorismo ebraico


03/08/2021 - Ebrei di Libia


08/06/2021 - Tripoli 1967, il pogrom


01/06/2021 - Un'isola nel mare


05/07/2020 - Ogni Uomo è il suo abbraccio


16/06/2020 - La Shoah: storia, memoria e testimonianza


27/01/2020 - Una rete scolastica europea per lo sviluppo della didattica della Shoah


09/01/2020 - Nasce la Rete scolastica europea per la didattica della Shoah


24/09/2011 - Premio Fiuggi Storia a David Meghnagi


Conferences by Etnhos


02-05/2024 -

Quarto ciclo di seminari

02-06/2022 -

Terzo ciclo di seminari

12/2020-01/2021 -

Secondo ciclo di seminari

05-06/2020 -

Primo ciclo di seminari




14/02/2024 - Suoni di una memoria frammentata

27/01/2022 - Seminars on the Holocaust History and Memory

04/03/2021 - I lavoratori italiani nell'economia di guerra tedesca

in Italiano -  auf Deutsch

04/03/2021 - L'Opera di Nathan Ben-Horin

Le relazioni tra Israele e Vaticano 1904-2005

05/05/2019 - Luoghi comuni, pregiudizio e antisemitismo

05/05/2019 - Ebraismo e Israele nel Cinema




04/2020 - Genocidio. Conoscere e ricordare per prevenire




2023 - Memory and Identity in Text and Image - Jacques Roumani, David Meghngai, Judith RoumaniJewish Lybia

copertina del libro


2023 - il rinnovamento dell'umanità di Dario Coen Shabbat shalom

copertina del libro


2023 - Anna Rolli curatrice del libro di Joseph Harmatz Il poeta e il combattente

copertina del libro


2023 - Tommaso Dell'Era - David Meghnagi: "Il 1938 e l'Università italiana"


2022 - Dario Coen: "Shabbàt Shalòm. Il rinnovamento dell’umanità. Dialoghi con Riccardo Shmuel Di Segni e David Meghnagi"


2022 - David Meghnagi: "Analisi dello Shabbàt dal punto di vista filosofico, etico, normativo e culturale"


2022 - Alan Davìd Baumann: "The Shoah in colors"

2022 - Alan Davìd Baumann: "La Shoah a colori"


2021 - Romana Bogliaccino: "Scuola negata"


2021 - Miriam Meghnagi - "Shirat Miriam Album of the year 2021 "


2020 - a cura di Giovanna D'Amico, Irene Guerrini, Brunello Mantelli - "Lavorare per il Reich. Fonti archivistiche per lo studio del prelievo di manodopera per la Germania durate la Repubblica Sociale Italiana"


2020 - a cura di Brunello Mantelli - "Il reclutamento di manodopera dall'area veneta per l'economia di guerra nazionalsocialista 1943-1945"


2019 - a cura di Brunello Mantelli - "Tante braccia per il Reich. Il reclutamento di manodopera nell'Italia occupata 1943-1945 per l'economia di guerra della Germania nazionalsocialista"


2014 - Saggio introduttivo di David Meghnagi - Benedetto Musolino  "Gerusalemme ed il popolo ebreo" (Vd. copertina)


2010 - Le sfide di Israele. Lo Stato ponte tra Occidente e Oriente - - Meghnagi David

copertina del libro


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